Gimme My Gamay

“Beaujolais should not be a civilized society lady; it is the one night stand of wines.”  – Kermit Lynch   Not everyone loves Gamay. I wasn’t sure that I was a fan either. And that realization clinched it. Thus began another exploration into the vagaries of...

To Gewürz or Not To Gewürz

That IS the question. I didn’t know very much about Gewürztraminer wine so I thought I would do another little investigation to see what I could see, and taste, as the case may be. It was still warm and summery when this occurred to me but, alas, I lagged a bit and...

Pining for a Pinotage?

WILD THING Hi folks, I’m back with another new wine. At least for me. It’s not a wine that we hear much about primarily because of its past reputation as not worthy of our attention. But, my curiosity got the best of me as I was perusing different varietals to write...