Gourmet Dining Club
This morning the four couples left and headed back to the east coast. We are now taking a deep breath! First, we served the wine as a blind tasting. They were all very pleased with the wine and found it a delightful accompaniment to the lamb dish that I served. Most guessed it to be a California wine which may attest to their unfamiliarity with Washington State Wines or the feeling that better quality wines in the US come from California. We are working hard to introduce our east coast friends to the wonderful wines we have here! Secondly, they were much impressed with the label. Thirdly, we gave them each a bottle to take home and no one forgot their wine! (I have found ties and a few other things, but no wine left behind!) Thank you so much for all your help in making this week a very special one for the ten of us.
Linda Perie
Snoqualmie, WA